Week 1 - Day 2

Daily Log Entry
SN Cleveland


Another day, another day of indoc. I stayed up late attempting to shine my boots and watch Iron Fist on my phone which was moderately successful. I debated shadowing some of the late watches but opted for bed instead somewhere around 0130.

Rev came again at 0500 and again routine. I didn't hear the call on the 1MC but I was up and getting ready by 0505 and me and my room mates quickly got to our tasks. Unlike day 1 we were now actually going in uniform of the day. NWU's, 50 minutes later and I barely got my boots on to make it to muster.

Despite running late off the Porter our group of 12 were some of the first to arrive on the path to muster up for indoc, the cold wind made those of us who had opted out of the optional gloves and ear muffs instantly regret it. We watched the sun slowly rise as the rest of the group formed up. Again, a new motivator and the same four songs of cadence as we bumbled our way across base to indoc.

This time we were sectioned off into classes, interestingly enough this was done via last name so my entire class was mostly "C's". The day was a blur of courses with a singular through-line, they introduced us to a fictional cast of sailors in A-School with back-stories and flaws and in each topic we would get to watch these sailors interact through a series of cell-shaded comic-style panels which would pause at crucial moments to allow the class to vote on what the correct response was. It was all quite odd, topics ranged from suicide prevention, to smoking, to stress management.

After lunch (today I choose the Italian line, a much better choice), which took another march to get to we had the introduction to Bystander intervention which had a deliberate focus on male on female assault, and harassment.

We arrived back at the porter around 1600 so I did a few shadows  and as liberty wasn't coming for unknown reasons so I prepped the room for the room inspect at 1800 and got PIs done for my dress blues, followed by dress whites, then NSU's all handled by FC1. By the time that was all done the chow hall had already closed, as it was now around 1915 so I took liberty and signed out to the NEX. The cool evening breeze made me once more regret my decision to wear minimum uniform items but I didn't dear turn back as I didn't know the closing time of the NEX or the food court and getting fed and accomplishing the nights mission were critical to my external timeline.

The rest of the evening was a blur of remote banking, fund transfers, credit applications, delicious panda, coordination with Overwatch for laptop specs and finally a purchase or a new Rig for Axiom. Happy with the work I headed back to the ship for a final muster and to log this report.

End Log Entry


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