Week 2 - Day 5

Late Entry | SN Cleveland
BEQ#: 832 - R219
FRI - 31MAR17


The day after test one and we are back at it, rolling right into the week 2 material now focused on series circuits, series circuit trouble shooting theory and circuit labs associated with the various topics. It was a whole new jump for us. After lunch we were released to make our way to a CPR class with a Petty Officer who was done with the material and more interested in getting us out of there.

We got back to the Porter nearly an hour ahead of schedule to find that mando had been cancelled again. We have mandatory PT with our duty section when we get back to the ship both the day before and the day after our duty day if it's a week day and there is an ongoing joke on the Porter that for a whole host of reasons the duty section 2 - 4 mandatory PT is always cancelled. In the time I've been I've only been one time and have maybe seen my section do it twice, however I'd always assumed it was a hyperbolic statement.

With it being Friday and most of my peer-group who came on the same time as me newly upgraded to Phase II most people eagerly awaited lib. I found myself restlessly without intentions so I worked on the computer for most of the rest of the evening.



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